Nelson's accomplishments

Outdoor Recreation Action Program

Also known as ORAP, this program works to find land to convert into parks and protected areas for wildlife. The ORAP was founded by Gaylord Nelson in 1962 and raised over $50 million. This was a 10-year program and is no longer active but managed to preserve a lot of land. 

Clean Air act

One thing that stands out about the Clean Air Act is that it was a single vote act meaning that when it was voted on, it needed a unanimous vote and received one right away without needing a revote. This law was placed in 1990 in hopes of controlling air pollution with chemicals, smoke, and other exhaust that damage the Earth's ozone layer. The Clean Air Act was a big step in keeping the environment clean.

Clean Water Act

Originally known as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the clean water act makes it illegal to dump chemicals or other materials into bodies of water. This is meant to keep our water sources clean as well as protect marine life. This act was passed in 1972 and has been around since that time. ​​​​​​​

Law to ban the use of DDT

This law was proposed by Gaylord Nelson and put into action in 1972, after the first Earth Day. It banned the use of the DDT pesticide which was harmful to the environment and wildlife.